Head of Department:

Ivana Trtanj, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Ivana Trtanj, Ph.D.


Assistant professor



Office number


Research interests

  • First langauge acquisiton
  • Discourse development in pre-school and school age children
  • Early literacy development
  • Learning Croatian as a second language

About the teacher

She has been employed at the Faculty of Education as a teaching assistant since December 2007 instructing courses Croatian language, Language culture, Functional styles in language communication, Acquisition and learning of the Croatian language, Pre-practice in reading and writing and Lexicology and word formation in the Croatian language. February 2016 she held the position of a postdoctoral researcher, and in October 2019 she acquired the title and position of assistant professor. Being a member of the ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages) she participates in compiling tests on Croatian language knowledge for non-native speakers. In 2013 she was elected a member of the Commission for development of standards and exams for Croatian as a foreign language of the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education (NCVVO). She is an associate at two projects of the Croatian Science Foundation: Textual Coherence in Foreign Language Writing: Croatian, German, English, French and Hungarian in Comparison (IP-2016-06-5736) and Multilevel Approach to Spoken Discourse in Language Development (UIP-05-2017). She is a member of the Croatian Philological Society. Her research interests are focused on the area of Croatian language acquisition, the development of children’s discourse and early literacy as well as on studying Croatian as a second language.

List of publications (CROSBI link)

CROSBI Ivana Trtanj

Members of Department:

Emina Berbić Kolar, Dean, Full Professor, Ph.D.

First and last name

Emina Berbić Kolar, PhD


Full Professor



Office number

Dean Office and office no. 29

Research interests

Croatian Language, Dialectology, Communications, Sociolinguistics, Media Literacy



Emina Berbić Kolar was born on October 24, 1976, in Slavonski Brod, where
she finished primary and secondary school (high school of science and mathematics).

In 2000 she completed the study of Croatian language and literature at the then Faculty of Education (now Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.
In the academic year 2000/2001, at the same Faculty, she enrolled in postgraduate studies of the Croatian Language and Literature in the Context of Central European Languages and Literature, focusing on Linguistics. In January 2007, she enrolled in a PhD by Research programme and received her PhD on September 8, 2009, with the topic Govori slavonskoga dijalekta brodskoga kraja (Eng. Speeches of Slavonian Dialects in the Brod Region).

She has studied at home and abroad (in Japan, Turkey, Poland, Great Britain, Finland, Germany, Austria, Norway, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Spain, France).

Emina Berbić Kolar was an external associate of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Osijek at the satellite campus in Slavonski Brod when, in 2008, she got employed at the Faculty of Teacher Education Osijek as an Assistant. She has developed professionally, so in 2009, she was elected Senior Assistant; in 2011, Assistant Professor and 2016, she was elected to the scientific-teaching title of Associate Professor and 2021 she was elected to the scientific-teaching title Full Professor.

In October 2010, she became the first Croatian language teacher in the study programme - Balkan Languages at the Thracian University (Trakya Universitesi). She helped establish the Department of Croatian Language at the Faculty of Balkan Languages in Edirne, Turkey and worked there in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

On April 18, 2011, she was appointed Vice-Dean for Development and Business Affairs of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Osijek and the Head of the satellite campus in Slavonski Brod. On July 11, 2014, she was appointed Vice-Dean for Development and Business Affairs of the Faculty of Education, and on October 1, 2018, Vice Dean for Teaching, 2022 she was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Education.

She was the Head of the University doctoral study in Educational Sciences and Education Perspectives in the period from 1 October 2020 to 15 October 2022.
At the home faculty, Emina Berbić Kolar teaches several courses, i.e., Croatian dialects, Croatian language, Language culture, Slavonian dialect, Native idiom, Written and oral communication, Lexicology and word formation, Croatian language and communication, Public speech, Linguistic cultural heritage, Functional styles of Croatian literary language, Language and communication skills. At the doctoral study in Educational Sciences and Educational Perspectives, she teaches two courses: Humanistic Heritage Themes in Education and Language and Identity in Education.

She is a member of the Expert Working Group for the subject Croatian Language within the Comprehensive Curriculum Reform.

She has written more than hundred professional and research papers and co-authored five books: Kultura pamćenja Slavonskog Kobaša u povijesno-jezičnom kontekstu (Eng. The memory culture of Slavonski Kobaš in the historical-linguistic context), Sičanske riči (Eng. Siče Words), Leksikon slavonske narodne medicine (Eng. Lexicon of Slavonian folk medicine), Disleksija i disgrafija: određenja, pristupi i smjernice (Eng. Dyslexia and dysgraphia: definitions, approaches and guidelines), Od ideje do promjene: Vodič za pokretanje programa društveno korisnog učenja (Eng. From Idea to Change: A Guide to Starting a Community Service Learning Program).

She is a member of the editorial board in six international journals: Evkonyv (Serbia), Oral History (Turkey), Društvene i humanističke nauke (Eng. Social Sciences and Humanities Studies) (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Danubis Noster (Mađarska), Educational Role of Language Journal (Poljska) Insan Bilimleri Dergisi (Turska) and in two domestic journals: Život i škola (Life and School) and Panoniana (Pannoniana).

Emina Berbić Kolar is a researcher on several European and domestic academic and professional projects: Inoviranje programa učiteljskih i odgojiteljskih studija primjenom HKO-a Innovating the program of teacher and educator studies by applying HKO, Edu Policy Lab (socially useful learning), Osnaživanje učitelja i odgojitelja hrvatske nacionalnosti u Republici Mađarskoj poučavanju struke na hrvatskome standardnom jeziku Empowering teachers and educators of Croatian nationality in the Republic of Hungary to teach the profession in the standard Croatian language, Grad za mlade (City for Youth) (Strategy for improving the lives of young people in Slavonski Brod), Building a child – friendly communities, IPA (Navigator, identifying children with disorders), Developing the Quality of Strategic Education Competences in Higher Education, Adapting to Changed Economic and Environmental Conditions and Improving the Accessibility of Training Elements’ for the implementation of EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00003 project,  N-arts project (non-intended arts) in adult education  and several university internal projects: Slavonski dijalekt (Slavonian dialect), Staroperkovački divani (Stari Perkovci Speech), Intangible linguistic cultural heritage, as well as a number of projects to popularize science. Promicanje znanstvenih istraživanja jezične baštine hrvatskoga naroda  (Promotion of scientific research into the linguistic heritage of the Croatian people).
List of publications (link to CROSBI)
CROSBI Emina Berbić Kolar

SCHOLAR Emina Berbić Kolar
Lidija Bakota, Vice dean for teaching, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Gordana Lesinger, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Valentina Majdenić, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Jadranka Mlikota, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Dubravka Smajić, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Nina Mance, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Vedrana Živković Zebec, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Mirta Bijuković Maršić, Senior Lecturer
Krešimir Čosić, Assistant
Tena Babić Sesar, Expert Advisor