Head of the sub-department:

Vesna Svalina, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Vesna Svalina, Ph.D.


Associate professor


vsvalina@foozos.hr, vesna.svalina@gmail.com

Office number


Research interests

Social Sciences; Educational Sciences; Music Education


Vesna Svalina, PhD (1968) is an associate professor for music education at Faculty of Education (Department of Art, Music Subdepartment), Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. She graduated from the study programme of music pedagogy of the University of Osijek (Faculty of Education) in 1991. She holds a Master of Music Education degree from the University of Zagreb (Music Academy, 2009) and a doctoral degree in early education and compulsory education from Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb (2013).

She publishes her scientific works in journals and proceedings of domestic and international conferences. She is the author of two books in the field of music pedagogy, has published over forty scientific papers, and actively participated in numerous domestic and international scientific conferences.

As a member of the scientific committee, she contributed to the preparation of the 5th, 7th, and 8th International Symposium of Music Pedagogues (Pula, 2017, 2021, 2023), as well as the International Symposium The Perspectives of Contemporary Music Education, held within the International Scientific and Art Conference

Contemporary Themes in Education – CTE (Zagreb, 2019, Faculty of Education, University of Zagreb) and the international symposium Opening the Doors to the Art and Science of Music (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022, Music Academy in Ljubljana). As a member of the program committee, she was involved in the preparation of the international scientific conference 12 th Days of Primary Schools A circle from science to the classroom (Split, 2021, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split) and the third National Scientific Conference with international participation and international solfeggio competition named 'Scientia et musica - SEM' (Faculty of Philology and Arts of the University in Kragujevac, Serbia, 2023). Serving as the president of the organizational committee, she organized the 6th International Symposium of Music Pedagogues (Osijek, 2019, Faculty of Education) and the First International Conference Creative Approaches to Learning and Teaching (Osijek, 2023, Faculty of Education). She also contributed to the organization of the 1st Thematic ECHA Conference entitled Creativity Research and Innovation in Gifted Education: Social, Individual, and Educational Perspective (Dubrovnik, 2019). She was a member of the organizational committee for the first, second, and third artistic festivals EKTe (2015, 2016, and 2017) organized at the Faculty of Education.

She collaborated on the project Development of creativity in lifelong teacher education (2009-2013) and led the scientific-research project Listening to music as an area in the curriculum of music culture teaching – IZIP-2014-20 (2015-2016). Since 2018, she has been a collaborator on the scientific-research project within the framework of bilateral Croatian-Slovenian cooperation titled Giftedness in the field of art - analysis of the situation among primary school students from the aspect of artistic and musical talent. From 2015 to 2018, she served as the executive editor of the journal Life and School, and since 2021, she has been a member of the editorial boards of the journals SN Social Sciences, International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences, and Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education.

In addition to her scientific pursuits, she is actively involved in artistic activities, achieving numerous concerts in Croatia and abroad (Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland) – Rome, Fermignano, Germany – Lindenholzhausen, Ulm, Pfortzheim, Wiesbaden). She won numerous prizes, both nationally and internationally, at different choir competitions (11 at national and 7 at international competitions). She also won three special prizes: for the best performance of the compulsory song, for best interpretation of song composed by Croatian composer and for the artistically most convincing conductor.

Personal website: www.vesna-svalina.net  

List of publications (link to CROSBI)

CROSBI Vesna Svalina

Members of the sub-department:

Lidija Nikolić, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Lidija Nikolić, Ph.D.


Associate Professor



Office Nr.


Research interests

Her research work focuses on the musical competence of primary education teachers, the development of the model of music education of future teachers, musical abilities, the method of teaching music in school and the method of teaching music in a teacher's study, the influence of music on the general development of the child, teaching vocal and instrumental music, music performance, and the psychological factors of acquisition and development of music competencies.


Lidija Nikolić graduated Music pedagogy study program at the Faculty of pedagogy, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, in 1996. In 2016 she acquired PhD at the doctorall studies of Science of music art - module of Music pedagogy in the Faculty of music art, University of art in Belgrade.

Since 1996, she has been a music teacher for studies for future primary school teachers and preschool teachers at the Faculty of pedagogy, and today at the Faculty of education, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek in the position of a senior lecturer. She teaches on subjects: Playing the music, Choir, Singing and playing, Music theory, Music culture, Music teaching methodology, Music listening, Music culture and methodology, Children's music creativity, Music with practice, Music in an integrated curriculum, Acquiring music literacy skills.She is an author of positively reviewed and adopted curricula of compulsory musical subjects in the teacher study in 1998, 2003 and 2005 and in 2002 and 2005 in the study for preschool teachers.

She exhibits papers at international scientific conferences in the field of music pedagogy and publishes scientific papers in Croatia and abroad.

List of publications (link to CROSBI)

CROSBI Lidija Nikolić

Blanka Gigić Karl, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Ana Popović, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Gordana Ercegovac-Jagnjić, Senior lecturer