Head of the sub-department:

Rahaela Varga, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Rahaela Varga, Ph.D.


Associate Professor





Research interests

education, teacher/student/headteacher competences, lifelong learning, teaching


Holds a Ph.D. in Education Sciences obtained from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Zagreb, Croatia. Works as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Osijek, Croatia. Teaches pedagogy and didactics courses at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level.

Recent projects: Competence standards of teachers, pedagogues and mentors (2019 – 2022);  Principal: a profession and a qualification, not a function (2015-2016); Necessity to modify students’ status in and outside classroom (2009 – 2014).

Regularly takes part in international conferences in the country and abroad, has (co-)authored a couple of books and over thirty research papers. Speaks Croatian, English and German.


CROSBI Rahaela Varga

Members of the sub-department:

Maja Brust Nemet, Vice dean for science, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Maja Brust Nemet, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

Vice dean for science




Vice deans office and office no.58

Research interest

Pedagogy, Professional Development of Teachers, Teacher Competences, Classroom Management, School Culture, Projects in Educational Institutions, Methodology of Pedagogical Research


Maja Brust Nemet was born in 1984 in Osijek, Croatia. She studied Pedagogy and Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia, and she graduated in 2007. In 2015 she received the Ph.D. in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia, defending the dissertation Socio-Pedagogical Competences of Teachers in the Contemporary School Culture Curriculum. From September 2007 to October 2008 she worked as a pedagogue in the elementary school Josipovac. Since November 2008 she has worked as a Teaching Assistant, from July 2018 as Senior Assistant on the Faculty of Education, and from 2017 she has been working as the Assistant Professor at the Department of Lifelong Learning and Education at Faculty of Education in Osijek. She is an external associate of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics at the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek. She has participated in more than 20 national and international scientific and vocational conferences. In addition to papers published in the proceedings of conferences, she co-authored and published a scientific book and approx. 20 scientific papers.

List of publications (link to CROSBI)

CROSBI Maja Brust Nemet

Snježana Dubovicki, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Ksenija Romstein, Vice dean for study programs and development, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Antonija Huljev, Senior Assistant, Ph.D.
Ružica Tokić Zec, Senior Assistant, Ph.D.

About the Sub-department

The Sub-department of Pedagogy operates within the Department of Pedagogy, History and Philosophy with the aim of improving the quality of education at all levels of the educational system. Therefore, the activities of the members of the Department are focused on the lifelong learning of pedagogical professionals - especially (pre)school teachers, educators and other employees in the sector of education and research. For that purpose, they cooperate with many institutions in the Republic of Croatia and abroad.

Members regularly take part in various forms of professional development. Hence, they actively participate in domestic and foreign conferences (China, Japan, United Kingdom, Hungary, United Arab Emirates, Italy, Serbia), study visits (Finland, United Kingdom) and summer schools (United Kingdom, Poland).

Members' participation in recent projects:

2023 – ongoing: SCC Towards Media Literacy (Social and Communication Competencies Towards Media Literacy), holder of the FOOZOS, funded by Agency for electronic media.

2022 – ongoing: Ivan Filipović - Teacher Coordinator and Reformer of School System in Croatia, holder of the FOOZOS.

2020 – 2022: Affirmation of futurology and its methods in the research of future teachers and educators, holder of the FOOZOS

2020. - 2021. Improving the inclusiveness of initial education of early and preschool children, commissioned by the UNICEF Office for Croatia, holder of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, FOOZOS is a partner in the project.

2020. - 2022. Competency standards of teachers, pedagogues and mentors (UP. by the European Social Fund, and coordinated by the University of Zadar cooperating with the Faculty of Education (University of Osijek), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Osijek/University of Split/University of Rijeka/University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science (University of Zagreb), The Ministry of Defence.

2018 - 2021: International study program Constructions resistant to extraordinary actions - Resilient Structures – InterStruct (UP., funded by the European Commission, coordinated by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Osijek, and FOOZOS is a partner in the project.
2018 - 2020 Subjective well-being of children in Croatia (Study Center for Social Work, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb in cooperation with the UNICEF Office for Croatia).

2018 - 2019 GOOD: Contribution to the improvement of early intervention through socially useful learning in the City of Zagreb and Brod-Posavina County (UP., funded by the European Commission, and FOOZOS is a partner.

Organisation of international and national conferences:

Education for interculturalism (2009, 2010, 2015, 2020) 

Didactic challenges (2012, 2016, 2019, 2022) 

Education Sciences and Perspectives: Doctoral Days (2021, 2022, 2023)

21st international conference on Slavonic dialect within Šokačka rič (2023)

Education in Primary Schools During the Pandemic (2021)


Publication of journals:

Life and School: journal for theory and practice of education (since 1952)