
Život i škola (Life and School)

Life and School is a journal with an international editorial board that publishes scientific and professional papers as well as book reviews with the aim of improving the theory and practice of education. It covers teaching, learning and a number of other important topics in the field of social sciences, and accepts works based on diverse theoretical analyzes and empirical research, both quantitative and qualitative.

Journal Life and School is one of the oldest peer-reviewed Croatian journals in the field of education and pedagogical theory and practice. It was first published in 1952. Initially, it had a regional orientation, which was eventually surpassed by becoming one of the leading in the field of social sciences journals in the Republic of Croatia. Today, Life and School has an international editorial board, and papers are referenced in significant databases. By expanding our circle of associates from abroad, we hope that the journal will grow into an international professional publication. We invite all interested authors who are involved in preschool, school and higher education to send us their works in Croatian and English or English only.

ISSN 0044-4855 (Tisak)

ISSN 1849-0972 (Online)

Web: Život i škola


The papers should be thematically focused on the area of former Pannonia and encourage mutual dialogue between experts in humanities. Papers can be based on quantitative and qualitative research, and focusing on different levels of research (case studies, small- and large-scale samples) are accepted. Unpublished papers only are accepted.

ISSN 2459-6760 (Tisak)

ISSN 2459-7465 (Online)

Web: Pannoniana